Our Story

Timpanogos Hearing & Tinnitus is partnering with Hearing the Call because we believe a hearing loss should never bcome a financial problem.  Untreated hearing loss has a devastating impact on individuals and their relationships with their loved ones as well as affecting educational and employment opportunities. Unfortunately, we regularly see patients in our clinics that do not have the resources to afford quality hearing healthcare. Everyone deserves to hear well and Hearing the Call – Timpanogos will to bring this life-changing hearing healthcare to the people of Northern Utah, and others across the world, who are unable to afford this care on their own.

“People shouldn’t have to choose between treating their hearing loss and paying their rent or buying groceries” – Dr. Layne Garret, Founder of Timpanogos Hearing & Tinnitus.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide hearing healthcare to individuals in our community who cannot afford it on their own while providing them with opportunities to give back to the community through service to others.

Our Vision

Our vision is that no one misses out on participating fully in life because of hearing loss.

Our Promise

Provide hearing testing and the provide hearing aids and gold standard hearing healthcare to low-income individuals and under-served families in our community.

The Need

1 in 5 Americans suffers from hearing loss to an extent that interferes with communication. We believe no one should miss out on participating fully in life due to hearing loss. Untreated hearing loss has a devastating impact on individuals, families, and communities. Sadly, even Medicare does not cover any of the costs of treating hearing loss, nor do many health insurance plans.

Our Give Back Model

“Qualified participants will show proof of financial need, pay a small fee for their hearing devices, and give back volunteer hours in their community as a way to say “Thank you” to the local companies, families, and friends that are donating for their care.”

Our Services

  • Reduced Fee Hearing Clinic for individuals with incomes up to 250% Federal Poverty Level
  • Hearing Aid Donation Program collects used hearing aids for use on humanitarian trips, non-profit work, repairs or credit towards better technology.
  • International Hearing Outreach Trips

Contact Us

343 S 500 E
American Fork, UT 84003

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