Be a part of a select group and share your time, treasure and talent to help make a difference.
Regardless of whether you’re 18, 48, or 78, you’ll encounter individuals who share similar interests, and you’ll form lasting friendships that become like a second family.
Click on any trip image to get more information on that specific location.
No. We have volunteers from every area of life. Every job in our hearing humanitarian clinic is important from greeting and intake of patients to assisting audiologists. Your role is very pivotal in the clinic.
Children are always welcome on our trips but we do ask that they be old enough to be able to perform basic functions on their own. Children as young as 10 can have a role helping in the clinic from taking patients from one location to the next to even just playing with kids waiting.
As for adults, as long as you are able bodied and are able to get around, you are very welcome on a trip.
We work hard helping people and then we take the time to enjoy those moments. Most days are 8 to 5 in clinic. We have three clinic days followed by two retreat days so you can see the beauty and culture of the location.
Safety comes first with us. The locations we work are all chosen very careful in consultation with our local partners in country. We want to make sure everyone feels safe and secure on all of our trips.
Click on any trip location and you can fill out the application to go on a trip. We ask you pay a $500.00 deposit at that time to secure your spot. We will then notify you as to your acceptance on a trip. In the rare case we cannot accommodate your request, you will receive a full refund.