Tanzania Campaign
Help Us Create Long-Term Sustainability
In 2024 a small team visited Tabora, Tanzania to provide hearing evaluations and hearing aids for children in orphanages in Mitindo and Buhangjia. Through the generosity of our community, the team was able to equip a community hearing clinic at AMUCTA University with specialized audiology equipment and train students to provide the follow-up care needed to continue to serve the children we fit. The 2024 trip led us to a connection with the ENT and Audiology department at the Bugando Medical Center in Mwanza, Tanzania, which will be the site of our next training and development trip in May 2025!
Please help support this outreach by providing funding for additional training for our Tanzanian colleagues and to further equip Buganda Medical Center with specialized audiology equipment as we plan to focus on early intervention with children.
Access to hearing health care is severely limited in this country of 65 million, with less than a handful of audiologists. Currently, children with hearing loss are not identified until they enter school at age 6, well beyond the critical period for developing speech and language. Many hearing impaired children are ostracized, misunderstood and maltreated because there are no early identification and intervention services. Since parents must choose who will benefit the most from schooling, hearing impaired children who do not have a means of communication are often left to languish in villages to do the menial chores.
With your continued support our long-term goal is to work alongside our Tanzanian colleagues to:
- Establish Audiology as a recognized profession by the Tanzanian government
- Identify and train on best practices for hearing health care
- Promote early identification and intervention services
- Establish in country training programs for audiologists and technical level providers
We are very grateful for all the support that we received in 2024. We are deeply grateful for our partnership with The Living Waters Children’s Fund that connected us to this amazing location. Please consider joining us on our journey as we continue the work that was started.